Manifesta 15Barcelona Metropolitana08.09 — 24.11.2024


Each edition of Manifesta is managed by a mix of permanent international team members and local specialists. Manifesta works from its offices in Amsterdam and the Host City.

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From its headquarters in Amsterdam, the permanent team of Manifesta provides the backbone to the governance and production of the European Nomadic Biennial.

For each edition of Manifesta, the permanent team conceptualises a new project with the partners of the Host City. The Manifesta team works for extended periods on location to ensure that synergy between their international experience and local expertise is embedded as a legacy in the Host City.

Hedwig Fijen is the Founding Director of Manifesta and the Director of Manifesta 15. Under Hedwig’s direction, Manifesta has developed into one of the most important large-scale art events in Europe. Hedwig is in charge of all aspects of the Manifesta organisation including the selection of host cities for the biennial, thematic content and the curatorial selection. The final execution of the concept of the curators is her responsibility.


The pre-biennial process was led by Manifesta director Hedwig Fijen in close collaboration with the First Creative Mediator Sergio Pardo.

The Artistic Team includes 11 representatives from the different cities of the metropolitan region, Manifesta’s Artistic Creative Mediator and the biennial’s Director. The representatives from the different cities are prominent figures within the cultural scene of their city and of Barcelona, and their valuable contributions will ensure that the 15th edition of Manifesta is heavily aligned with the local context.